Trademark Registration Process Online in Bangalore
Trademark Registration Process Online in Bangalore
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Trademark registration is a process to identify and distinguish your products, brands or services in the market from those of others. A trademark can be any word, symbol, name, label, or combination of colors. It is an important asset for a business and it can be registered to give exclusive rights to the owner of the mark. It also prevents other parties from using your mark without your permission.
Hence, it is essential to protect your brand and identity by getting the process of trademark registration Consultant online in Bangalore. The application process can be very complex, so you need to hire a professional to get it done correctly. A well-established law firm can help you navigate the process and ensure that your trademark is registered successfully.
Prior to filing a trademark application, it is recommended that you do a search to see what trademarks have already been filed and if they are in use in India. This can help you avoid any potential objections to your application by ensuring that your mark is unique.
Once your application is approved, the government will register your mark and issue you a certificate of registration. The registered trademark will be accompanied by an (r) symbol to indicate that it is protected under the law. The registration will last for 10 years.
Having your registrar of trademarks is highly beneficial for any business, especially startups. It can increase your chances of winning a case against someone who is infringing your trademark, as it will provide prima-facie evidence that you are the rightful owner.
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